Take Care of Your Eyes

Tuesday turned out to be a really good day for Brian. He made it to school by 1:15pm, took an SOL, went to class, went to the pediatrician, and had a milder-itch, active evening. After a scratch-filled night though, yesterday was a different day. He was pretty fatigued, slept until 1pm, and after much trauma and drama was finally ready to go, just in time to make it to the eye doctor. We both had appointments: his are for prevention and to be proactive, mine for progressive myopia and astigmatism.

According to Dr. Fukaya, people with atopic dermatitis can develop certain eye problems namely: cataracts, retinal detachment, conjunctivitis, keratoconus, and glaucoma. This is a good article to read, copy, and bring with you to your eye doctor if you have atopic dermatitis or are going through topical steroid withdrawal (TSW.) The eye doctor was  amazed and interested that we were not giving Brian any medication (steroids), topical or oral, for his eczema, so I talked about TSW, and he said, “Hmmm.” I plan to give him a copy of Dr. Fukaya’s eye article for his reading pleasure.

Well, Brian had 20/20, and eyes were fine.  I, on the other hand was reminded once again what I have in common with potatoes:  we have eyes but can’t see.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”  Romans 12:12

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